Monday, December 31, 2007

Things Go Better With Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola has been a North American icon for more than a century, but how much do you really know about this famous beverage? It was invented in 1886 by a pharmacist, John Pemberton. It was originally intended as a nerve and brain tonic and was first sold in pharmacies in Atlanta. As such, it actually contained cocaine since it was made from extracts of the coca leaf and kola nuts. These ingredients were removed from the product in 1905. The original product was a non-carbonated beverage, it is thought that the addition of carbonation may have been accidental when a soda-jerk inadvertently shot some soda water into the drink.

John Pemberton didn't know what he had. He only sold $50.00 worth Coke the first year, unfortunately it had cost him $70.00 to produce it. He had financial problems, his health was failing and he was a morphine addict, so he began selling off the rights to his invention.

In 1931, the Coca-Cola company, in an effort to become more "family friendly" launched it's famous "Santa Claus Campaign". Haddon Sundblom was commissioned to create a Coke loving Santa Claus. Up to this time their was not a standard depiction of Santa Claus. He had various looks and was depicted wearing various colors. Mr. Sundblom's Santa Claus wore a suit of the exact shade of red as Coca-Cola's corporate colors and he was soon the "official" Santa Claus of Christmas in North America.

Coca-Cola went through some turbulent transitions in the 1980's when they attempted to change the recipe of their famous soda pop. Consumer back-lash was enormous and they soon had to reintroduce their original formula.

Today Coca-Cola is one of the world's largest corporations. It's true. Things do go better with Coca-Cola.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Carter Defense

In Canada the legal limit for operating a motor vehicle after consuming alcohol is .08 blood alcohol level. Police routinely test for this with a breathalyzer, a small hand held machine that the accused breaths into. Unfortunately in Canadian law there is also a loop-hole, the Carter Defense, which has been around since 1985. According to this defense, the breathalyzer is only a machine that can malfunction. If the accused testifies under oath that he/she has only had "one or two drinks and can therefore not possibly be impaired" that statement raises a reasonable doubt as to their guilt. The accused must then be acquitted. Yes, machines can malfunction, but accused people can also lie. I would tend to place more weight on scientific evidence than I would on the word of a person who has everything to lose if convicted. The Canadian Government plans to work on changing this law in the coming year and closing this loop-hole.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas 2007

Christmas Day has come and gone once again and now everyone will be gearing up for New Year's. We spent a wonderful couple of days with family, we ate too much delicious food, we visited a lot and everyone seemed to have a good time. Ed will be working New Year's Eve but he should be home in plenty of time for us to see in the New Year together.

2007 was quite a year, as usual. There was our son, Edwin's ongoing sinus issue (see "Inside Ed's Head" June 22, 2007), the death of Ed's (my husband's) father, my brother's diagnosis of colon cancer. There were also good times. Our trip to South Dakota where we met with our other son, Robert, his wife and their two children, two marriages (nephews) and the announcement of two pregnancies in the family (nieces).

What will 2008 bring? We have no way of knowing. All that we do know for sure is that whatever it is, Jesus will be with us all of the way.

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

A Story Of Faith in Adversity

This is a true story of amazing faith that appears in my book "Keyhole to the Kingdom - Glimpses of God". Ed and I personally know some of the family members: the husband's father, sister and brother-in-law.

On September 4, 1998 , a young couple was travelling on their motorcycles with their two young children. The husband was on the first motorcycle with his five year old son and his three year old daughter in the sidecar. His wife was riding her own bike just behind him.

He attempted to pass a slow moving vehicle, and the two collided. The father and his son were thrown onto the road and were struck by a truck. The little girl died in the sidecar. His wife was just behind on her bike and watched in horror as her entire family was wiped out in seconds. The incident was horrible and sad, but that wasn't the end of the story by any means.

The wife found out that she was pregnant just days after the funeral. She believes the baby was likely conceived the night before her husband died. Through the horrible months that followed, the baby growing inside of her was her reminder that her life was not over. The child was to be the link to the family that she had lost that tragic day.

She harbours no bitterness toward God, and she talks about her husband and her first two children with joy and happiness as she remembers the life they had. She and her husband had both made a decision to follow Christ, and she takes comfort from that. She knows that her family is in Heaven. The new baby is a gift from God that definitely helped her get through her time of sorrow.

People who have heard her story are inspired by her faith and her strength. Other family members have mentioned that she is the one who often gives them comfort. Her tragedy is an awesome testimony to her faith in the goodness of God.

2 Corinthians 1:3-6
Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort;
Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.
For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ.
And whether we be afflicted, it is for your consolation and salvation, which is effectual in the enduring of the same sufferings which we also suffer: or whether we be comforted, it is for your consolation and salvation.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Is Christmas Really a Christian Holiday?

Many seem to believe that Christmas is not a Christian Holiday. They point to the fact that Jesus' birthday was not actually on December 25 and that that date was actually a pagan holiday. They believe that many of our Christmas traditions have pagan roots. While that is certainly true, I'm not convinced that it necessarily follows that celebrating Christmas is inherently evil. The first link I am posting outlines the position of the no-Christmas believers. The second two links give a well thought out rebuttal to that stand.



I will be celebrating Christmas with my family this December 25. What I am celebrating is the birth of my Savior with a full and grateful heart.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

A Place of Refuge

It was very disturbing to hear about the church shootings earlier this week in Colorado. At one time a church was considered a safe place of refuge, a sanctuary from the rest of the world. Even criminals could find a safe haven there. A person could go in and find peace, a place to pray and to refresh themselves. The doors were not even locked. Almost everyone understood that a church was sacred ground. Now churches even have armed guards. I tend to think that the fault may lie, at least in part, with some of the "new Evangelical Churches" that have removed the Holiness from their churches in an attempt to be "seeker friendly". Churches who have circuses in their "sanctuaries" come to mind.

Joel Osteen's New Book on Sale

More from Joel Osteen. Yeah, right.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

The 1st Act

December is always such a busy month. There's cleaning and decorating, cooking and baking, shopping and wrapping and mailing, Christmas parties and pageants and on and on and on. Is everyone out there ready for Christmas yet? I'm certainly not.

And yet amidst all of this flurry of preparation what we really need to do is sit down, take a deep breath, relax and remember what and who all of this is really about.

It is all about our Savior, Jesus. It is all about the miraculous love of our Father. It is the 1st act in the story of our redemption. Christmas comes first so that Good Friday and Easter can follow, so that Thanksgiving can be celebrated and so that Eternity can be ours. Wow! All of the pieces fit together into a beautiful plan that only God could have conceived. Thank you, God, thank you.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Gold, Common Sense and Fur

A friend e-mailed this story. It is so sweet that I just had to share it.

My husband and I had been happily married (most of the time) for five years but hadn't been blessed with a baby. I decided to do some serious praying and promised God that if he would give us a child, I would be a perfect mother, love it with all my heart and raise it with His word as my guide. God answered my prayers and blessed us with a son. The next year God blessed us with another son. The following year, He blessed us with yet another son. The year after that we were blessed with a daughter. My husband thought we'd been blessed right into poverty.
We now had four children, and the oldest was only four years old. I learned never to ask God for anything unless I meant it. A minister once told me, "If you pray for rain, make sure you carry an umbrella." I began reading a few verses of the Bible to the children each day as they lay in their cribs. I was off to a good start. God had entrusted me with four children and I didn't want to disappoint Him.
I tried to be patient the day the children smashed two dozen eggs on the kitchen floor searching for baby chicks. I tried to be understanding...
when they started a hotel for homeless frogs in the spare bedroom, although it took me nearly two hours to catch all twenty-three frogs.
When my daughter poured ketchup all over herself and rolled up in a blanket to see how it felt to be a hot dog, I tried to see the humor rather than the mess. In spite of changing over twenty-five thousand diapers, never eating a hot meal and never sleeping for more than thirty minutes at a time, I still thank God daily for my children.

While I couldn't keep my promise to be a perfect mother - I didn't even come close...I did keep my promise to raise them in the Word of God. I knew I was missing the mark just a little when I told my daughter we were going to church to worship God, and she wanted to bring a bar of soap along to "wash up" Jesus, too. Something was lost in the translation when I explained that God gave us everlasting life, and my son thought it was generous of God to give us his "last wife."
My proudest moment came during the children's Christmas pageant. My daughter was playing Mary, two of my sons were shepherds and my youngest son was a wise man. This was their moment to shine. My five-year-old shepherd had practiced his line, "We found the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes." But he was nervous and said, "The baby was wrapped in wrinkled clothes. "My four-year-old "Mary" said, "That's not 'wrinkled clothes,' silly. That's dirty, rotten clothes." A wrestling match broke out between Mary and the shepherd and was stopped by an angel, who bent her halo and lost her left wing. I slouched a little lower in my seat when Mary dropped the doll representing Baby Jesus, and it bounced down the aisle crying, "Mama-mama." Mary grabbed the doll, wrapped it back up and held it tightly as the wise men arrived. My other son stepped forward wearing a bathrobe and a paper crown, knelt at the manger and announced, "We are the three wise men, and we are bringing gifts of gold, common sense and fur." The congregation dissolved into laughter, and the pageant got a standing ovation.
"I've never enjoyed a Christmas program as much as this one," laughed the pastor, wiping tears from his eyes. "For the rest of my life, I'll never hear the Christmas story without thinking of gold, common sense and fur."
"My children are my pride and my joy and my greatest blessing," I said as I dug through my purse for an aspirin.

Dumb Things Christians Say

Sometimes I have to just shake my head. Militant Atheists will sometimes make disparaging remarks about the intelligence - or perceived lack thereof - of Christians. They don't think that anyone intelligent or educated could possibly believe that collection of myths. Unfortunately far too many Christians play into their hands with uninformed - and sometimes downright stupid - remarks. One case in point is Sherri Shepherd, the newest co-host of the talk show, "The View". Sherri is apparently a born-again Christian. Recently the conversation on the show between the three co-hosts, Joy Behar, Whoopi Goldberg and Sherri Shepherd, turned to the Greek philosopher, Epicurus. Whoopi said that Epicurus predated Christianity. Sherri insisted that Christians came before ancient Greece and even said that nothing predated Christians! Joy said that it was first the Greeks, then the Romans, then Christians. Sherri answered, "Jesus came first. Before then."

Last September when Sherri said she didn't believe in evolution, Whoopi asked her if she also believed the earth was flat. Sherri said she didn't know! The next day she said that the question had flustered her and she did know that the earth isn't flat. How can a television personality on a talk show get so flustered by a dumb question that she gives such a dumb answer? What's wrong with the television network that they would hire someone that easily rattled and who is that ignorant of basic facts for a position as a spokesperson in the public eye?

This is as bad as the Christian fellow who was interviewed some time ago who was talking about the the fact that some Christians don't believe that the earth is as old as scientists say. When he was asked how he would explain dinosaur bones he said, "God put them there to test our faith."

huh? If we can't come up with a better answer than that we should probably keep quiet. This is the kind of stuff that reflects badly on all Christians. It's the stuff that will get remembered. We need to remember the old adage: It's better to be silent and be thought dumb than to open our mouth and remove all doubt.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Canadian "Beer Fridges" are the Culprits

When I first heard this, I thought it was a joke. Apparently not. Canadian "beer fridges" - apparently 1 in 3 Canadians have one - are a "significant" factor in Global Warming. People who keep their old fridge when they purchase their new one are being cited as huge contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. I have heard a lot contradictory information on both sides of the debate about whether or not humans are the real cause of climate change or if it is a naturally occurring phenomena that has happened before without our input. To be perfectly honest, I'm not convinced that it's us. (eep.....did I really admit that publicly? Are the politically correct police going to get me?) And now, even our beer isn't safe. What next?

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Joseph Farah's Opinion of Rick Warren's Opinion

Rick Warren, the author of the best selling "Purpose Driven Life" and Pastor of a mega-church, is part of a group of 100 church leaders who want "inter-faith dialogue and building of common ground with Muslims". On the other hand he thinks that churches are justified in getting rid of Christians who disagree with them - or "troublemakers".

Joseph Farah, in an article written for WorldNetDaily said :

Rick Warren makes a spiritually fatal error when he proclaims, without any biblical authority, that Satan's greatest weapon is disunity. That is simply not true. The Bible reveals over and over again that even one spirit-filled believer can stand up against Satan. God is not impressed with numbers. He doesn't need numbers for victory. He doesn't care about big churches. He doesn't care about the cathedrals of men. He wants numbers only because He is "not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9).

No, Satan's greatest weapon is hardly disunity. His greatest weapon since his fall and since the Garden of Eden has been deception. In fact, Satan loves unity – as long as those unified are knowingly or unknowingly serving him. He'd love for all of us to "go to hell in a handbasket."

Friday, November 30, 2007

We've Been Elfed

I got this message from my cousin and thought I'd pass it on as well :

MERRY CHRISTMAS....On the way home last night, I was listening to the radio when a newscaster called his little 91 year old granny to talk to her about the "Holidays". He mentioned that he had noticed that Christmas has become so "politically correct" that no mention of Christmas is made by most retailers, we now wish people "Happy Holidays." His granny said she missed the Old Fashioned Christmas when everyone wished each other "Merry Christmas". I thought about it and this year I will be making a conscious effort to wish everyone Merry way of saying that I am celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. So I'm asking my buddies, if you agree with me, to please do the same. And if you'll pass this on to your buddies, and so on...maybe we can prevent one more treasured tradition from being lost in the sea of "Political Correctness."

This is NOT a Holiday Tree
This is a Christmas tree.
It is not a Hanukkah bush,
It is not an Allah plant,
It is not a Holiday hedge.
It is a Christmas tree.
Say it... CHRISTmas , CHRISTmas , CHRISTmas Yes. CHRISTmas - celebrating the Birth of Jesus Christ!!!

Take a stand !!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Osteen Said What?

The wrong message.

They Have Done Away with the Cross

The right message.

The "Alberta Advantage"

The so called "Alberta Advantage" has not been an advantage to everyone. The booming economy in Alberta has caused housing costs to sky rocket. Many people have come to Alberta to seek their fortunes and have found that without the skills and education required to obtain the high paying jobs, they are in just as bad, if not worse economic shape than they were before they left their homes.

These are just a few examples of housing options that some people have resorted to in Edmonton. With the temperatures plummeting to -18 Celsius
(-28 with the wind chill) in the last few days and with snow on the ground, many who are sleeping outdoors are facing the very really danger of frostbite and hypothermia.

Emergency shelters are quickly filling to capacity and although new spaces have been opened up this winter, there is still not nearly enough room to accommodate the cities estimated 2800 homeless. Not all of the homeless are employable, with ages ranging from the low teens to some who are over the age of 65. Many suffer from substance abuse problems, mental illness, physical disabilities and/or lack of formal
education and social/life skills.

While affordable housing is a necessity, that alone will not solve the homeless crisis. Strong support networks and agencies dedicated to "retraining" and instilling a sense of worth in these individuals are just as vital to achieving a long term solution.

Friday, November 23, 2007


Displayed on the outside wall of the ihuman Society building; artwork created by dis-advantaged youth:

The following information comes from the ihuman website, a charitable organization located in Edmonton Alberta. Some of their artwork is on display on the outside of their building. It shows a lot of talent. I took pictures.

Mission Statement
The ihuman Youth Society is a non-profit, charitable organization whose mission is to work with high-risk youth and to promote their re-integration into the community through a program involving crisis intervention, arts mentorship, and life skills development programs.

ihuman's clientele consists of high risk youth, many of who are either working or living on the streets. Drug addiction is one of the youths’ greatest problems, more specifically in terms of crystal meth, with unassessed mental health issues coming in close second.
Kicking the drug habit and turning your life around takes time and constant support – the average time a youth stays in an ihuman program is three years. In that time, they get kids off the streets, and into arts-based programs which lead them to heal and discover their own identity. Simultaneously, they give the youth constant support and guidance while they transition into independent living and steady employment.

Origin of Name
The ihuman name came from an Inuit term identifying the sympathetic relationship of the individual within the collective community; One for all and all for one.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Giant Microbes

Just when I thought nothing could shock me any more I got surprised - something did. I was cruising around on the net when I stumbled across a company based in Stamford, Connecticut called GIANTmicrobes that makes and sells "cuddly", plush, disease causing microbes and pathogens. Included in their list of "toys" is Polio, Ebola, the Plague, HIV, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, pimples, bad breath, Typhoid Fever, E. Coli, Salmonella and more. Also included are lice, bedbugs, dust mites and other "critters". Each "toy" comes with a tag with a picture of the real microbe and a description of the disease. They are calling these "educational toys".

I also came across a price list:

single microbe $7.95

starter collection (15 pack) $85.00

Venereals (2 pack) $12.00

maladies (6 pack) $33.00

intermediate set of 31 $178.00

critters (5 pack) $30.00

collection of all 47 $275.00

This has to be the epitome of bad taste. I'm sure that people who are victims of these diseases, not to mention those who have lost loved ones to them, do not consider this a game. This has to be one of the most disturbing examples of capitalism run amok that I have heard of since serial killer trading cards.

Monday, November 19, 2007

More About Speeding

Apparently Irish judges do not respect laws discouraging speeding any more than the Alberta judge does that I wrote about in my last post. A judge in Dublin reduced the charges against a speeding driver, saying that the speed did not look as bad in miles per hour as it did in kilometers per hour. (His 180 km/h speed only calculated to 112 m/h in a 100 km/h or 62 m/h zone.) The charges against him were reduced from dangerous driving, which would have resulted in losing his driver's license, to careless driving which got him a 1000 euro fine ($1450.00).

And speeding isn't the only thing that the Irish are lenient on. There is a law that drivers who fail their first driver's test can still get their license and drive by them self. That law is being changed effective mid-2008. Transport Department statistics say that 1-6 Irish drivers have never passed a road test.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Speed Kills

That's what we've always been told isn't it? Speed kills. I've always assumed that the reason we have speed limits is because speeds over those limits are dangerous. That's not necessarily so, according to at least one Provincial Court Judge in Alberta. Last week a 17 year old driver was acquitted of two criminal offence counts of "dangerous driving causing death" after an accident in which he sped up to 143 km/h (the normal highway speed limit is 100 km/h) to pass another vehicle.

The driver sped up to pass a pickup truck. When the truck began to change lanes the boy swerved right, then jerked the wheel to the left in an "instinctive correction". The car skidded across the highway and became airborne before hitting the ditch and rolling. His two passengers, a fifteen year old girl and a sixteen year old boy, were both killed. The driver sustained minor injuries. All of the occupants were wearing seat belts and alcohol was not a factor.

The judge said that to convict the driver of dangerous driving, she would have to be satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt that his conduct "amounted to a marked departure from the standard of care a reasonable person would observe in the same situation. The death alone is not conclusive proof of dangerous driving. The driving is not to be measured against the benefit of hindsight."

Again, I ask, is not the fact that we have speed limits enough to release us from the need to use hindsight to determine that speeding is dangerous? Haven't experts already determined what speed is safe and what speeds are unsafe on any given stretch of highway? If the answer to these two questions is no, then speed limits are simply an opportunity for governments to generate revenue from fines. If the answer is yes then this young man should have known that the speed at which he was driving had the potential to be dangerous and he should have been convicted.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

More on Pastor Berlin V. Guerrero

I received the following e-mail with an update of what has been happening with Pastor Berlin Guerrero. I posted about his situation Aug 10, 2007 Pastor Berlin V. Guerrero and on Sept 9, 2007 Pastor Berlin Guerrero Update.

I wanted to give you an update on Pastor Berlin Guerrero. I got a nice e-mail from his wife Mylene today and they express their heartfelt gratitude for all the prayers and letters.

She says that her husband continues to receive letters from different parts of the world and they really give him comfort "despite of the indignities he experienced inside the jail". She feels the letters are making a difference. The jail personnel are hesitant to abuse him. Some of the letters he has received have been opened already but he is getting them.

They are still waiting for a Supreme Court decision. Other celebrity cases are being given priority at the moment.

A church in Ohio held a fundraiser for the Guerrero family since this has been costly for them. Just to show what kind of family this is, they immediately bought a small sound system so Pastor Berlin could hold services and Bible Studies inside the jail!

Pastor Berlin is teaching beginner and advanced Bible Studies, has started an inmate choir, and is leading worship services. He is wanting to start a health program and legal assistance program as well. His brother said that Pastor Berlin's cell has been turned into a chapel.

So - thank you for your part in encouraging Pastor Berlin. If you would like to write him or the Supreme Court judge, here are the addresses again.

Gracia Burnham
PO Box 10
Rose Hill, KS 67133

Monday, November 12, 2007

About "A Pittance of Time"

I am a day late posting this video but it is worth listening to any time of the year. A beautiful and moving tribute to our brave men and women who defend our freedom.

The following appears on "petergosse" account on YouTube :

November 11, 1999 Terry Kelly was in a Shoppers Drug Mart store in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. At 10:55 AM an announcement came over the store's PA asking customers who would still be on the premises at 11:00 AM to give two minutes of silence in respect to the veterans who have sacrificed so much for us.Terry was impressed with the store's leadership role in adopting the Legion's "two minutes of silence" initiative. He felt that the store's contribution of educating the public to the importance of remembering was commendable.When eleven o'clock arrived on that day, an announcement was again made asking for the "two minutes of silence" to commence. All customers, with the exception of a man who was accompanied by his young child, showed their respect.Terry's anger towards the father for trying to engage the store's clerk in conversation and for setting a bad example for his child was later channeled into a beautiful piece of work called, "A Pittance of Time". Terry later recorded "A Pittance of Time" and included it on his full-length music CD, "The Power of the Dream".

A Pittance of Time

Location of "Crucifixion of Christ" Sculptures

My November 5 post of pictures of "the Crucifixion of Christ" sculptures near Amarillo Texas generated more hits on my blog than any other post. One comment said that the writer was having trouble pinpointing the exact location of the sculptures so I did some research and came up with an answer. Unfortunately the person commented anonymously so I can't send them the information. Hopefully they will come back to this website.

The sculptures are located on the south side of Interstate 40 between the Interstate and the old Route 66 going west from Groom Texas. While I was looking for this information I discovered that a couple of the facts I had received with the pictures may be incorrect, so here is the information I came up with. I said that the sculptures were done by one man and that he did them from the goodness of his heart. I also said that the land was donated. Apparently the two founders of "Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ Ministries" asked a third man to help them create the sculptures. He was paid for his work. Unfortunately a dispute ensued over ownership of the copyrights for the works and that matter was taken to court. I do not know the outcome of the case. I have included a link to my source for this information :

In any case, the sculptures are still beautiful and I still want to see them someday.

1 Corinthians 1:18
For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Remembrance Day

November 11 is Remembrance Day in Canada, a day set aside to honor our Armed Forces who put their own lives on the line to insure peace and prosperity for the rest of us. Many Canadians will be wearing a poppy, the symbol of our respect for all of those who have chosen to dedicate their life to defending our freedom. May God bless them and their families richly.

To read about the history and significance of Remembrance Day and it's traditions :

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

It's a Small World After All

This image is owned by NASA sister, Val, is a genealogist or for her complete website . She has been corresponding with a gentleman from Germany who is also a genealogist and he recently e-mailed her that he would be in Canada this week on business and maybe he could call her. Remember that Canada is the second largest country in the world by area after Russia. When she asked him where he would be he told her that he was going to Fort McMurray Alberta and would be staying in Edmonton! Edmonton is where she lives! Her and I were able to meet him for coffee and they spent the evening chatting about the families from the area our German grandmother came from. He had a wealth of information on his laptop that he was willing to share with Val.

Val's blogspot has some interesting stories about how her family and her husband's family intersected half a world away 100-200 years before they ever met. It's all very fascinating and proves that it really is a small, small world.

Monday, November 5, 2007

The Crucifixion of Christ

These are some of the pictures (there were 18 in all), that were sent to me by a friend, of The Crucifixion of Christ that a man sculptured out of metal near Amarillo, Texas ... The cross is a giant made of metal also. The man did this out of the kindness of his heart. Someone donated the land to him. It is an amazing display that graphically tells the story. I would love to see it in person some day.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Halloween With the Homeless

Ed & I have never worked on Halloween before - it always fell on our days off - so we weren't sure what to expect this year. Surprisingly, it was a very quiet night. Maybe because it was in the middle of the week we saw almost no one on the streets - very few homeless people and/or non-homeless people. The weather was beautiful for Halloween so we expected to see more partiers, but nothing out of the ordinary occurred. Go figure !

The following day we had an extra special shift that was filled with blessings. First, one of our very generous supporters that we hadn't seen for awhile because he was working out of town contacted us. He had gone shopping and he thought of us. He brought us a large bag of winter gloves, another filled with socks, and another with underwear. He also included a lot of toiletries - toothbrushes, shampoo etc. God bless you Dave for your generosity.

Next we came across a camp of five people in a back alley. They were excited to see us and gratefull to share in the blessings Dave had left with us. One of the women had a toy bunny she had gotten from somewhere, when you pressed it's paw it danced. We laughed and talked for awhile, then we prayed with them. It was awesome. One of the men had tears in his eyes.

A little later we came across another group of people sleeping in another alley. Again they were excited about the donations we were able to distribute. It was like Christmas to them. Sometimes we have passed that camp late at night when they were asleep already and we would leave bag lunches by them for morning. One of the men commented that it always made them feel good to wake up in the morning and find the lunches and know that it meant that we had come by while they were sleeping to check up on them. We again had the opportunity to pray with them.

To make our shift complete we came across a man who for a whole year has been bitter and angry. He would often swear and spit at us when we saw him. That night for some reason he was moved to apologize for his previous behavior and actually spoke with us and accepted a bag lunch!

Thank you God. Sometimes the work we do can be very tiring and takes a lot out of us and we sometimes wonder why we do it. That night we KNEW why we do it.

Isaiah 61:1-3
The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the LORD's favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion -- to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor.

Monday, October 29, 2007

The Golden Compass

A friend sent me the following e-mail. I thought it is worth passing on :

There's a movie coming out in December, called 'The Golden Compass' (starring Nichole Kidman). Turns out it's based on books written by Phillip Pullman, who is basically the exact opposite of CS Lewis; he's an avowed atheist who is quoted as saying the goal of his books is to 'kill God in the minds of children.' Apparently the movie itself is fairly watered-down and based on his least-troubling first book but Christian parents are being cautioned that the books themselves are much more disturbing than the movie.

I'm including a link to the full story on

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Operation Christmas Child

From the Samaritan's Purse Website

Operation Christmas Child brings joy and hope to children in desperate situations around the world through gift-filled shoe boxes and the Good News of God's love. This program of Samaritan's Purse provides an opportunity for people of all ages to be involved in a simple, hands—on missions project while focusing on the true meaning of Christmas—Jesus Christ.

Dear Friends,
It’s a heartbreaking reality. Millions of boys and girls around the globe live in difficult circumstances and are in desperate need of hope. Whether they are slum dwellers in Calcutta or orphans in Johannesburg, children long to know that they are loved.
Operation Christmas Child is one way you can make a difference in a young person’s life. Since 1993, this Samaritan’s Purse project has shared the Good News of God’s love with hurting children through the simplest of gifts—shoe boxes! Filled with school supplies, toys, and personal items that are packed by caring people, these boxes help introduce children to Jesus Christ. Local believers follow up with evangelistic programs, and many precious boys and girls later receive Jesus as their Savior.We invite your family, church, or group to take part in this unique missions project. As you pack a shoe box for a child, please pray for the boy or girl who will receive it. Spread the word so others will get involved too. You will be amazed to see how God can use a small gift—your gift—to touch a child’s heart!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Repaying Evil With Blessing

Ed and I have been involved in Motorcycle Ministry for many years. We attend secular rallies to bring a Christian presence to these often boisterous and sometimes even decadent events. We go to where the lost and hurting souls are even if it is in the midst of Satan's camp.One of the "services" that we would often provide is a coffee tent where we would provide coffee and/or hot chocolate to the other bikers, often late at night or first thing in the morning, free of charge to those who needed an alternative to drinking too much or who needed something to warm them up when the night air turned chill.

We never charged for our coffee or hot chocolate but at one particular event the grateful participants insisted on setting up a donation jar. In order to get permits for these events, the organizers need to donate any extra funds, over and above their expenses, to a charity organization. We agreed to the donation jar but decided amongst ourselves that at the end of the rally we would donate the contents to that particular clubs charity.

Sunday morning the donation jar was quite full. Ed was manning the tent that morning when a young Hell's Angel member walked over, intent on establishing his reputation. As his friends looked on from a short distance, the young man snarled at Ed and said "I'm going to steal that jar of money." Ed smiled at him pleasantly and said, "I'm sorry, but you can't steal it." "And just how do you plan to stop me, old man?" the young man questioned defiantly. Ed smiled again and held the jar out. "You can't steal it because I'm going to give it to you."

The Hell's Angel, with the wind visibly taken out of his sails, abruptly turned and made a valiant attempt at nonchalantly striding away - without the money jar.

1 Peter 3:9
Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.

1 Peter 3:13
Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good?

Friday, October 26, 2007

Tis An ILL Wind

" Tis an ill wind that blows nobody any good."

The last couple of days a bitterly cold, bone chilling north wind has been blowing. This morning there was snow on the ground. Trying to keep warm during cold Alberta winters is a definite challenge to Edmonton's homeless population.Last winter several homeless people froze to death before anyone found them. One case in particular struck home. She was pregnant. We knew her well. The Ministry Van had served her often giving her food, clothing and a ride to a shelter. One of our Ministry Van workers had even gone to school with her. He felt a profound sense of guilt when one cold morning she was found frozen to death behind a building. He felt that he should have done more for her but we had done what we could. Another sad case was a man in a wheel chair who had been on the streets many years. He had been found frozen in snowbanks so many times that he eventually had to have both legs amputated. He was still out there last winter, struggling to keep warm.

Winter is not an easy time of year for any of us, how much worse it is for those who do not have a warm home where they can escape the merciless weather. Please remember to give generously this winter to the agencies that assist the poor and the homeless.

The Butterfly and The Flower

Monday, October 22, 2007

Love According to 4 - 8 Year Olds

What does Love mean? A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds, "What does love mean?" The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined. See what you think:

"When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love." Rebecca- age 8

"When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth." Billy - age 4

"Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other." Karl - age 5

"Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs." Chrissy - age 6

"Love is what makes you smile when you're tired." Terri - age 4

"Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK." Danny - age 7

"Love is when you kiss all the time. Then when you get tired of kissing, you still want to be together and you talk more. My Mommy and Daddy are like that. They look gross when they kiss" Emily - age 8

"Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen." Bobby - age 7 (Wow!)

"If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate," Nikka - age 6 (we need a few million more Nikka's on this planet)

"Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday." Noelle - age 7

"Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well." Tommy - age 6

"During my piano recital, I was on a stage and I was scared. I looked at all the people watching me and saw my daddy waving and smiling. He was the only one doing that. I wasn't scared anymore." Cindy - age 8

"My mommy loves me more than anybody You don't see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night." Clare - age 6

"Love is when Mommy gives Daddy the best piece of chicken." Elaine-age 5

"Love is when Mommy sees Daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he is handsomer than Robert Redford." Chris - age 7

"Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day" Mary Ann - age 4

"I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new ones." Lauren - age 4

"When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you." (what an image) Karen - age 7

"Love is when Mommy sees Daddy on the toilet and she doesn't think it's gross." Mark - age 6

"You really shouldn't say 'I love you' unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget." Jessica - age 8

And the final one -- Author and lecturer Leo Buscaglia once talked about a contest he was asked to judge. The purpose of the contest was to find the most caring child. The winner was a four year old child whose next door neighbor was an elderly gentleman who had recently lost his wife. Upon seeing the man cry, the little boy went into the old gentleman's yard, climbed onto his lap, and just sat there. When his Mother asked what he had said to the neighbor, the little boy said, "Nothing, I just helped him cry"

YOU Have a Testimony

We have all heard the dramatic testimonies of people who were drug addicts, into organized crime, involved in all kinds of demon worship and so on, that were changed by the power of God. That is wonderful and very powerful if that is the kind of people you are ministering to. The story of Nicky Cruz is indeed an inspiration as well as the stories of people who have overcome incredible difficulties such as Joni Erickson Tada.
Do not think that you do not have a testimony as well, if you grew up in the church and accepted the Lord when you were five years old. The most difficult people to witness to are the ones who feel they already have their lives together. The drug addict or gang member already knows that he is a sinner. The person who is "good" and has "never done anything wrong" is much more difficult to convince. I had a woman tell me once, after I had given my testimony in a church, "You really did need Christ didn’t you." My answer to that is , "Yes I really do need Christ. But not any more or any less than anyone else." There is a story about a young lady who was talking to a group of friends and said, "The Lord delivered me from a life of prostitution and drug addiction." Her brother, who was also there, was shocked and said, "You were never a prostitute or a drug addict!" She smiled sweetly and replied, "Yes, I know that. That is because God delivered me from it."

Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Road of Life

I don't know who wrote this story, but it's a good one :

At first, I saw God as my observer, my judge, keeping track of the things I did wrong, so as to know whether I merited heaven or hell when I die. He was out there sort of like a president. I recognized His picture when I saw it, but I really didn't know Him. But later on when I met Christ, it seemed as though life were rather like a bike ride, but it was a tandem bike, and I noticed that Christ was in the back helping me pedal. I don't know just when it was that He suggested we change places, but life has not been the same since.

When I had control, I knew the way. It was rather boring, but predictable it was the shortest distance between two points. But when He took the lead, He knew delightful long cuts, up mountains, and through rocky places at breakneck speeds. It was all I could do to hang on! Even though it looked like madness, He said, "Pedal!" I worried and was anxious and asked, "Where are you taking me?" He laughed and didn't answer, and I started to learn to trust. I forgot my boring life and entered into the adventure, and when I'd say, "I'm scared," He'd lean back and touch my hand. I gained love, peace, acceptance and joy; gifts to take on my journey, My Lord's and mine.

And we were off again. He said, "Give the gifts away. They're extra baggage, too much weight." So I did, to the people we met, and I found that in giving I received, and still our burden was light. I did not trust Him, at first, in control of my life. I thought He'd wreck it; but he knows bike secrets, knows how to make it bend to take sharp corners, knows how to jump to clear high rocks, knows how to fly to shorten, scary passages. And I am learning to shut up and pedal in the strangest places, and I'm beginning to enjoy the view and the cool breeze on my face with my delightful constant companion, Jesus Christ. And when I'm sure I just can't do it anymore, He just smiles and says...

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Do Barbers Exist?

A man went to a barbershop to have his hair cut and his beard trimmed. As the barber began to work, they began to have a good conversation. They talked about so many things and various subjects. When they eventually touched on the subject of God, the barber said: "I don't believe that God exists."
"Why do you say that?" asked the customer.
"Well, you just have to go out in the street to realize that God doesn't exist. Tell me, if God exists, would there be so many sick people? Would there be abandoned children? If God existed, there would be neither suffering nor pain. I can't imagine a loving a God who would allow all of these things."
The customer thought for a moment, but didn't respond because he didn't want to start an argument. The barber finished his job and the customer left the shop. Just after he left the barbershop, he saw a man in the street with long, stringy, dirty hair and an untrimmed beard. He looked dirty and unkempt. The customer turned back and entered the barber shop again and he said to the barber: "You know what? Barbers do not exist."

"How can you say that?" asked the surprised barber. "I am here, and I am a barber. And I just worked on you!"
"No!" the customer exclaimed. "Barbers don't exist because if they did, there would be no people with dirty long hair and untrimmed beards, like that man outside."
"Ah, but barbers DO exist! " answered the barber. " What happens, is, people do not come to me. "
"Exactly!"- affirmed the customer. "That's the point! God, too, DOES exist! What happens, is, people don't go to Him and do not look for Him. That's why there's so much pain and suffering in the world."

Friday, October 19, 2007

The End of the Rainbow

As a child, I heard stories about the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but I had never really considered that a person could actually find the end of the rainbow. It never occurred to me that it was even possible after I learned that the rainbow is caused by light refracting through rain droplets in the air. I simply assumed that because of the angle of the light in relation to the droplets that a rainbow would always appear to be in the distance. That is, that is what I assumed until a few years ago when I actually drove through the end of the rainbow!

I was driving school bus for Sturgeon School Division one rainy day. We live in a small community north of Edmonton and my route encompassed a large rural area. The bus was climbing a small hill on a country road when the sun came out and the rainbow appeared in the sky. I noticed that something appeared a little odd, the rainbow did not seem that far away. We rounded a bend in the road and I heard an audible gasp from the students on the bus. The rainbow was directly in front of us and it clearly ended right in front of us in the middle of the road!

A small hubbub ensued, the students wanted me to stop the bus so that they could get out and look for the pot of gold. I continued driving, right into the midst of the rainbow. A moment later it had "jumped" into the field beside us. It was an amazing experience that I will never forget.

Genesis 9:12-17
And God said, This is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations:
I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.
And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud:
And I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh.
And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth.
And God said unto Noah, This is the token of the covenant, which I have established between me and all flesh that is upon the earth.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Northern Lights

We live in a small community 20 minutes north of Edmonton so we have had many opportunities driving home on the highway at night to enjoy the Northern Lights without the lights of the city dimming their spectacular beauty. I have always been fascinated with this meteorological display. I found this picture on the Internet (we don't really have mountains in our area) as a stunning example of them.The following is an excerpt from an as yet untitled novel I am working on and gives a whimsical description of the Northern Lights :

Later that evening I sat out on the balcony of my tiny apartment, gazing into the stars. I was curled up inside my over sized, fuzzy black sweater against the chill of the night air and warmed my hands on a large mug of hot chocolate.

The Northern Lights were putting on an amazing display. They danced and moved to an invisible beat and I could even detect some colours - pinks and greens - in the fantastic production. I could almost see the ghostly orchestra on the ground beneath them and the conductor raising and lowering his baton as he guided the light show through an intricate choreography of movements. I was totally mesmerized for a time.

I felt a profound sense of loss when the vision began to shimmer and then slowly evaporated into the night. I sighed deeply, then rose and went back into my apartment, carefully locking the balcony door behind me.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Crazy Weekend....But So Good

It was a crazy, busy weekend but it was also a blessing from God. Thursday night at midnight our son Robert arrived from Toronto. Ed picked him up at the airport and they headed straight to Calgary for "Promise Keepers". Promise Keepers is a men's conference dedicated to equipping and encouraging men to be the best husbands, fathers, employees, neighbours and disciples of Jesus that they can be. It was an awe-inspiring day and 1/2, with 1500-2000 men singing, praying and praising the Lord.

In the meantime I was at the Edmonton Alpha Conference (see yesterday's post) being equipped to introduce Edmonton's inner-city population to Jesus.

Rob has not been home for almost three years, so when he and Ed got back Saturday evening we spent the rest of the weekend taking him to see each of his grandmothers, his brother Edwin & his family, and then back to the airport to catch his flight home at 6:00 PM on Sunday.

It was a whirlwind trip, but oh so worth it.