Tuesday, November 13, 2007

More on Pastor Berlin V. Guerrero

I received the following e-mail with an update of what has been happening with Pastor Berlin Guerrero. I posted about his situation Aug 10, 2007 Pastor Berlin V. Guerrero and on Sept 9, 2007 Pastor Berlin Guerrero Update.

I wanted to give you an update on Pastor Berlin Guerrero. I got a nice e-mail from his wife Mylene today and they express their heartfelt gratitude for all the prayers and letters.

She says that her husband continues to receive letters from different parts of the world and they really give him comfort "despite of the indignities he experienced inside the jail". She feels the letters are making a difference. The jail personnel are hesitant to abuse him. Some of the letters he has received have been opened already but he is getting them.

They are still waiting for a Supreme Court decision. Other celebrity cases are being given priority at the moment.

A church in Ohio held a fundraiser for the Guerrero family since this has been costly for them. Just to show what kind of family this is, they immediately bought a small sound system so Pastor Berlin could hold services and Bible Studies inside the jail!

Pastor Berlin is teaching beginner and advanced Bible Studies, has started an inmate choir, and is leading worship services. He is wanting to start a health program and legal assistance program as well. His brother said that Pastor Berlin's cell has been turned into a chapel.

So - thank you for your part in encouraging Pastor Berlin. If you would like to write him or the Supreme Court judge, here are the addresses again.

Gracia Burnham
PO Box 10
Rose Hill, KS 67133

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