Do not think that you do not have a testimony as well, if you grew up in the church and accepted the Lord when you were five years old. The most difficult people to witness to are the ones who feel they already have their lives together. The drug addict or gang member already knows that he is a sinner. The person who is "good" and has "never done anything wrong" is much more difficult to convince. I had a woman tell me once, after I had given my testimony in a church, "You really did need Christ didn’t you." My answer to that is , "Yes I really do need Christ. But not any more or any less than anyone else." There is a story about a young lady who was talking to a group of friends and said, "The Lord delivered me from a life of prostitution and drug addiction." Her brother, who was also there, was shocked and said, "You were never a prostitute or a drug addict!" She smiled sweetly and replied, "Yes, I know that. That is because God delivered me from it."
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