Monday, October 29, 2007

The Golden Compass

A friend sent me the following e-mail. I thought it is worth passing on :

There's a movie coming out in December, called 'The Golden Compass' (starring Nichole Kidman). Turns out it's based on books written by Phillip Pullman, who is basically the exact opposite of CS Lewis; he's an avowed atheist who is quoted as saying the goal of his books is to 'kill God in the minds of children.' Apparently the movie itself is fairly watered-down and based on his least-troubling first book but Christian parents are being cautioned that the books themselves are much more disturbing than the movie.

I'm including a link to the full story on


Anonymous said...

Again, Thank you. I don't know what I would do without you alerting me to these things. Appreciate the heads up. Have talked to the girls about it and just saw advertising for the books in the latest Costco Magazine.

Valerie Paish said...

Diabolical,isn't it--make the movie palatable so that parents won't think twice about buying the books for their their kids for Christmas.Then the kids read the books and get poisoned toward the God who loves them and,and who by laying down His life on the cross became their Door to eternal life.