It was a crazy, busy weekend but it was also a blessing from God. Thursday night at midnight our son Robert arrived from Toronto. Ed picked hi

m up at the airport and they headed straight to Calgary for "Promise Keepers". Promise Keepers is a men's conference dedicated to equipping and encouraging men to be the best husbands, fathers, employees, neighbours and disciples of Jesus that they can be. It was an awe-inspiring day and 1/2, with 1500-2000 men singing, praying and praising the Lord.
In the meantime I was at the Edmonton Alpha Conference (see yesterday's post) being equipped to introduce Edmonton's inner-city population to Jesus.
Rob has not been home for almost three years, so when he and Ed got back Saturday evening we spent the rest of the weekend taking him to see each of his grandmothers, his brother Edwin & his family, and then back to the airport to catch his flight home at 6:00 PM on Sunday.
It was a whirlwind trip, but oh so worth it.
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