This past weekend was Thanksgiving weekend in Canada. This year Ed and I spent Thanksgiving with the homeless. Hope Mission had served a turkey dinner with all of the trimmings on Thursday and Boyle Street Co-op served their's on Monday, so many of them did have a nice meal. The Ministry Van
hit the streets at 2:00 PM on Thanksgiving Day, just like always. We had bag lunches like always instead of turkey but our clients didn't seem to mind. Many of them wished us a happy Thanksgiving. At one of our regular stops Sunday night a couple of people in a car approached us. They were coming from a celebration and had a large pumpkin pie left over that
was still sealed in it's cellophane wrapper. They wanted to donate it to us. We found some paper plates and plastic forks in the van and clients were sitting on the bumper of the van eating pumpkin pie. It was a special treat.

Spending Thanksgiving in this way made me think of Thanksgiving in a new light. I was much more greatful for all of the blessings that God has given us - a family, a warm home, clean clothing, plenty of food - that we too often take for granted. We, in North America, are often spoiled and we forget that there are others in our own neighbourhood, as well as in many other parts of the world, who, for a variety of reasons, are not as fortunate as we are. For many, Thanksgiving is just another day of struggling to survive.
Thank you God for your provision and thank God for Hope Mission and all of the other agencies that strive to reach those in need of our assistance every day of the year.
Way to Go Hope !
I'm thankful for the things that can just as easily be taken away !
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