Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Pastor Berlin V Guerro Prison Ministry

I have been posting regular updates on the situation of Pastor Guerro since his arrest last spring. (see Aug 10; Sept 9; Nov 13) This is the latest news.

December 29,2007
(7 months and 2 days in Prison)

Dearest Friends and Relatives,

I am delighted to share to you the joy of God’s steadfast protection and care which sustains me everyday in prison. It is also God’s spirit that moves many of our brothers and sisters to pray unceasingly. Many have sent me greetings and encouragement in letters from various parts of the globe. Friends from here and abroad went out of their way just to see me even for a few hours. God has show God’s graciousness in the outpouring of prayers, wishes, support and advocacy not only for me but for the many victims of human rights violations.

Despite the physical limitations and some indignities of prison conditions, and the unfavourable prison culture, I remain to be in good shape physically and spiritually. The jail ministry which we launched last July here continues to grow. We now have the regular services on Thursday, Wednesday Bible study in the morning, and a Lay Formation type of study in the afternoon. I assist and teach new anthems to the inmates choir that sings in the Roman Catholic mass every Sunday morning and the UCCP Thursday services, we are very ecumenical here.

Two days ago, I organized a “ Pamaskong Harana” (Christmas Serenade)- a mini concert which included interpretative dances and short Christmas messages. A first time here at the jail, grace by the Warden and his Deputy Warden. In between the scheduled activities, I do Pastoral Counselling, Para-legal assistance, and treat wounds to the sick and share medicines. My “room”, which like a very small cabin, can be a counselling room, a clinic, a legal office and a coffee room, sometimes a practice room for the male members of the choir.

There will be more plans for the coming New Year and your prayers and support to me and my family would indeed be a great complement in our Prison Ministry.

In any case, I would like to express personally my appreciation for sharing your resources for our cause.

After the 4 months delay caused by the Office of the Solicitor General’s late submission of its comment on our petition, we can only but wait for the En Banc Hearing and Resolution of the Supreme Court on my case next year.

Please continue your prayers so that the New Year will bring good news of my release and even as we pray for the advance of the people’s struggle for Freedom, Justice and Genuine Peace! God Bless You All!


Pastor Berlin Guerrero
Cavite Provincial Jail Trece Martirez City, Cavite

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