Thursday, January 17, 2008

The More Things Change.......

There is an old saying - The more things change the more they stay the same. An archaeology site in Northumberland demonstrates that Roman soldiers stationed in Britain some 1500-2000 years ago were not much different than people are today. Letters to and from Gaul (AD 43-410), where most of the soldiers were from, were found that had been written on slices of oak with ink made from gum arabic and water.

One of the most often written about complaints by the soldiers was the cold weather. One such letter contained a soldiers wish list. "Paria udonum ab Sattua solearum duo et subligariorum duo." - or : socks, two pairs of sandals, two pairs of underpants. Ironically the most asked for items from the Ministry Van by the homeless people are: socks, running shoes, underwear.

Cultures, traditions and lifestyles may change but the needs of people do not.

1 comment:

Valerie Paish said...

Wait till Hanes get's their hands on this!