Friday, October 5, 2007

Hope Mission Annual Radio-thon

Tuesday, October 2 was proclaimed Hope Mission Day by Edmonton mayor, Stephen Mandel. Pictured below are Mayor Mandel, Hope Mission's Janelle Aker, And KISN (radio) Bruce Bowie.
Bruce Bowie agreed to live on the street like a homeless person for the three days of Hope Mission's Radio-thon to raise awareness of the plight of those who live this reality daily. The Radio-thon was a wonderful success, raising over $125,000.00 that will directly assist Edmonton's homeless population. We thank Bruce Bowie and the wonderful and generous citizens of Edmonton for their compassion and their willingness to go out of their way to help those in need.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Once everything was calculated at the end of Oct. 4th, the radiothon total was 149,157!