Friday, September 14, 2007

Odds and Ends

Update: Blog Posting - Reunite a Family September 8, 2007
Hope Mission was able to raise all of the funds required to bring Vital Zimarimbeho's family from the Congo. $5000.00 was raised, then an anonymous benefactor matched the donation to reach the $10000.00 goal! Praise the Lord !

The Hope Mission Ministry Van picked up a very intoxicated regular client in the wee hours of the morning. He insisted that he was in New York and he was very impressed that Hope Mission had expanded so much that we now have a Brooklyn site !
**(Note: We don't. We're still located in Edmonton Alberta Canada)

You may have noticed in the side-bar of my blog site that I have been rated by "The Truth Laid Bear". I am an "Insignificant Microbe in the Ecosystem". You can help to boost me up the evolutionary ladder by helping to increase the traffic to my site by visiting often, commenting often and telling your friends to read and comment on my site. It would also help if you would link to my site.
** (Note: This is a Christian site. I really am a Creationist. The evolution thing is just for fun.)

1 comment:

Valerie Paish said...

You are not an insignificant microbe in the ecosystem----you are a living stone in the temple of God !