Thursday, September 27, 2007

I Got No Vundo

My computer has been acting wonky for the past while. Very slow and sluggish, freezing up, pop-ups (even though I have a pop-up blocker), when I'm on the internet I'm being pulled away from the site I'm on to other sites that then don't want to let me out and even being unable to shut down properly. It's been very frustrating. Then today I started getting error messages that said I had the "Trojan.Vundo". The message said they were unable to repair the infected files and then that they were unable to access those files. Well, I'm no techy but I decided to try to fix the problem myself. I went to the Symantec website and found the information I needed to remove the "Trojan.Vundo". (That sounds like something from Star Trek !) It was difficult trying to read the information with huge pop-ups getting in my way and other sites trying to kidnap me but I finally managed to print 11 pages of instructions. Yes, I said 11. Granted, most of it didn't apply to me since the "Trojan.Vundo" usually infects networks and I'm not a network. When I had finished wading through all of the information I actually only needed about 1/2 page of it. So I proceeded to download the removal tool that I needed. Then I had to shut down all of my programs that run in the background (there's about 8) and then I had to disable my System Restore. Apparently that's a very important step. If you don't do that the program very nicely saves the virus you have just removed and then reinstalls it for you the next time you reboot ! When all of that was finished I then could run the removal tool that I had downloaded. That takes about 45 minutes. Next restart the computer and run the removal tool a second time to make sure the system is clean. This whole procedure took all evening. And when I was finished, voila! It told me that I never did have "Trojan.Vundo" !

1 comment:

Valerie Paish said...

You may not have had trojan.gundo but you did have a lot of cyber. gumbo !