Rick Warren, the author of the best selling "Purpose Driven Life" and Pastor of a mega-church, is part of a group of 100 church leaders who want "inter-faith dialogue and building of common ground with Muslims". On the other hand he thinks that churches are justified in getting rid of Christians who disagree with them - or "troublemakers".
Rick Warren makes a spiritually fatal error when he proclaims, without any biblical authority, that Satan's greatest weapon is disunity. That is simply not true. The Bible reveals over and over again that even one spirit-filled believer can stand up against Satan. God is not impressed with numbers. He doesn't need numbers for victory. He doesn't care about big churches. He doesn't care about the cathedrals of men. He wants numbers only because He is "not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9).
No, Satan's greatest weapon is hardly disunity. His greatest weapon since his fall and since the Garden of Eden has been deception. In fact, Satan loves unity – as long as those unified are knowingly or unknowingly serving him. He'd love for all of us to "go to hell in a handbasket."
Discernment is the antidote to deception. Joseph Farah has it--we all need to be praying for it.
Thanks for writing this.
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