Last September when Sherri said she didn't believe in evolution, Whoopi asked her if she also believed the earth was flat. Sherri said she didn't know! The next day she said that the question had flustered her and she did know that the earth isn't flat. How can a television personality on a talk show get so flustered by a dumb question that she gives such a dumb answer? What's wrong with the television network that they would hire someone that easily rattled and who is that ignorant of basic facts for a position as a spokesperson in the public eye?
This is as bad as the Christian fellow who was interviewed some time ago who was talking about the the fact that some Christians don't believe that the earth is as old as scientists say. When he was asked how he would explain dinosaur bones he said, "God put them there to test our faith."
huh? If we can't come up with a better answer than that we should probably keep quiet. This is the kind of stuff that reflects badly on all Christians. It's the stuff that will get remembered. We need to remember the old adage: It's better to be silent and be thought dumb than to open our mouth and remove all doubt.
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Amen !
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