I haven't blogged for awhile (since August 22, 2007). I work 12 hour shifts, 4 on and 4 off, so when I'm working I don't have much time. My last four days off my sister, Val, and I drove 11 hours to MacKenzie BC to visit my nephew Ryan, his wife Char and their four children. Although it rained and was cold most of the time we had a lot of fun. We stopped at Mt. Robson on the way.

My first Blog Post (see: New Life April 20, 2007) mentioned the birth of my nephew's son, Seth Elijah Jackson. They had him dedicated while we were there.

MacKenzie is a sawmill town. There is a park where they have displayed the "World's Largest Tree Crusher". The picture beside it is Emma sitting on a wrecking ball.

Ryan and his family are fortunate enough to live five minutes from Morphee Lake. The lake with the mountains in the background is beautiful.

We played endless games of scrabble, did Facebook quizzes and went out for ice cream. Thank you Ryan and Char for a great weekend.
1 comment:
It was very fun, I'm so glad you came!!
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