America was born not on the fourth of July, that was when it became independent. When it became fully constituted as a nation, it was April 30, 1789. That was the day we had a government, a senate, a house of representatives, a president and when he was inaugurated, there was a call to dedicate America, a call to prayer and the words went out no nation can expect the favor of God if it turns away from God's ways. So they gathered the leaders to a little church ready to dedicate America to God. That was America's consecration ground. The capital, then, was not in Washington DC, it was in New York City. The little chapel, St. Paul's, is standing today. That chapel is at the corner of ground zero. America was dedicated to God at the corner of ground zero. When judgment comes, it touches the place where the nation has been dedicated and where it made its covenant.But there is more. We all know that the seal of America is the eagle. And the eagle holds arrows in one hand and an olive branch in another. And it has a shield in front of it. It is the symbol of this nation's power, might and protection. Do you know where the original one is kept? It is not in the White House, it is not at the Pentagon, it is in that little chapel at the corner of ground zero. Also on the wall is a plaque that is Washington's prayer when he said, "Lord, God, keep this nation under your perfect protection." All around ground zero, every building was in some way shattered or affected. Most of the buildings had to be taken down, destroyed, brought to the ground, except for one. There was a small chapel where America had been dedicated to God, that God kept. It is called the miracle of 9/11.When Solomon dedicated the temple and he prayed, we see it in 1 Chronicles 7:14 where it says, "If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray, if they will seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." Interestingly, both 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina took place in the Hebrew month of Elul, the time of repentance leading up to Yom Kippur. That month has just shifted. Could we be in that period of time, that period of grace, where God is watching over this nation, yearning for this nation, wanting to bring revival to this nation, but He is waiting to hear the cry of the people crying out in repentance for our haughtiness for turning from Him? For thinking we are so brilliant and so smart that we have all the answers and can do it our way? And we have turned from Him. We are in a period of grace. It has been five years since 9/11. That grace will not last forever.
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