Thursday, December 13, 2007

The 1st Act

December is always such a busy month. There's cleaning and decorating, cooking and baking, shopping and wrapping and mailing, Christmas parties and pageants and on and on and on. Is everyone out there ready for Christmas yet? I'm certainly not.

And yet amidst all of this flurry of preparation what we really need to do is sit down, take a deep breath, relax and remember what and who all of this is really about.

It is all about our Savior, Jesus. It is all about the miraculous love of our Father. It is the 1st act in the story of our redemption. Christmas comes first so that Good Friday and Easter can follow, so that Thanksgiving can be celebrated and so that Eternity can be ours. Wow! All of the pieces fit together into a beautiful plan that only God could have conceived. Thank you, God, thank you.

1 comment:

Valerie Paish said...

Good reminder on how to enjoy Christmas