Tuesday, July 17, 2007

True Love Never Runs Smooth

aaaaaahhhhhhh!!! We picked up my car on Saturday (see: I've Got Wheels July 13 2007). Sunday evening the oil light started flashing. OK. That means we're down on oil or it needs an oil change. Right?? Checked the oil level and it was fine. We bought the car from a Ford dealership (a trade-in) but we called the Volkswagon dealership on Monday thinking they would know more about a Jetta. They said it probably needs an oil change. We got that done but were told that the light may stay on because it would need to be re-set and they didn't know how to do that. Tuesday morning we called Volkswagon again and asked them how to re-set the light. They then told us that this indicates an engine problem and we had better not drive it, we should get it towed in. We called Ford back because we bought the extended warranty. They told us they had put a new motor in the car before we bought it and that we should keep in mind that Volkswagon may have told us to tow it in because the dealership charges over $100.00 an hour for service work, but they were not advising us whether we should drive it or not. The service manager (for Ford) wasn't in the office and would not be back until tomorrow so we have to wait to see how he wants to handle the situation. We do have another vehicle and are not stuck by this problem but it is frustrating. When you buy a car shouldn't you be able to expect to drive it for more than one day without a problem?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Guess you should have made it 6 pairs of socks huh?