Saturday, July 7, 2007

BRAD Awards

Today is the day of the 1st Annual BRAD Awards. (Blog Readers Appreciation Day Awards) This will be an annual event (each July 7) from now until perpetuity. I should know, I just invented it! I wanted to somehow show my appreciation to my loyal Blog Readers. There wouldn't be much point to having a Blog if no one read it, now would there? Please leave a comment so that I know you have been properly appreciated. And any of you Blog Readers who also have your own blog, please feel free to share this award with your own readers and to use the "Official BRAD Award" . Let's make the BRAD Awards a truly global event.


Anonymous said...

Good Morning Trudy

Thank you. I look forward to reading your blog....wish it was a daily thing but I totally get why it isn't.

Valerie Paish said...

D-are (to comment)

I did!