Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Eric Grohe's Fabulous 3-d Murals

A friend sent me the following e-mail featuring the wonderful 3-d artwork of Eric Grohe. His work is so lifelike that you can hardly believe that it is done with paint. He truly has a God given talent that needs to be seen to be believed. At the end of this post I have included a link to his web page where you can read more about the artist and see more samples of his work.

Liberty Remembers: Before ...

After ...

How to dress up a drab Shopping Mall - Niagara , NY

After. .

Indoor Murals - Miller Brewery . . . Hallway Before - Miller Fermenting Rooms

After Photos - Past meets Present in the Miller Brewery Fermenting Rooms - hooks, clipboards and aprons were added to the surface of the murals to enhance the illusion . . . You're looking at flat walls!


Valerie Paish said...

Now why didn't I think of that ? Very cool!

Unknown said...

Mr. Grohe you have such a talent. GOD bless you !! - I hope one day you can bring your art to NYC. I am sure we have a lot of bare/ugly walls where you can display your talent.

All the best,

Carmen M.

grohes man said...

WOW!! this website has a great information about GROHES. i'm sure i will be back again.