Monday, January 28, 2008

Winter in Edmonton

Sunday January 27, 2008 was not a good day for the homeless in Edmonton. The temperature plummeted to -41 with the wind chill, the wind bit through clothing, it snowed and the blowing snow made roads and sidewalks treacherous. Near white out conditions made traffic hazardous. It was a day not fit for man nor beast nor machine. And the forecast is not predicting relief any time soon. The next few days will be more of the same.

The Ministry Van prowled the streets looking for those in need of food, clothing, a ride to a shelter, but we didn't find many. I pray that is because they found shelter early in the day and were already safe and warm somewhere.

I'm afraid to listen to the news today. I'm praying no one will be found in a snowbank or behind a building frozen to death. Every winter some of the homeless succumb to hypothermia. Please, Lord, not this time.

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