We're baaaack! We left Tuesday, May 29. The 1st little kink in our trip had happened a couple of days before we left. Ed had taken the car to Midas Muffler for an oil change and tune up. They told us that we needed $3000.00 worth of work and the car was a road hazard. It seems that whenever we go to them that is the diagnosis. We didn't believe them. We drove over 5000 km on pretty rough terrain [up and down a lot of mountains - that still had snow - and over a lot of road construction] and did not have a single mechanical problem, not ev
en a flat tire. This picture was taken in Wyoming on June 1st.

We spent the 1st night in Lethbridge and tried to cross the border at Coutts on May 30th. That's when we ran into our 2nd kink. We were aware that you don't need a passport yet when you're driving to the US, only ID unless you are flying. Unfortunately Mr. Ed lost his birth certificate years ago and never replaced it. The border guard asked for our drivers licences and birth certificates. When Ed told him he didn't have a birth certificate he got really snarky. He told us to get out of the car and go into the building, where he questioned Ed about if he has ever had a criminal record. Being honest, Ed admitted that he did from over 30 years ago and that he has a pardon. He was grilled for some time. It really didn't look like he was going to let us in. I was literally praying the whole time and suddenly the border guard just stopped and said "Oh. Go ahead." We got out of there real fast before he could change his mind. [on the way back the Canadian border guard was very surprised that he had let us through] Oh the power of prayer! Thank you God!!! We spent the 2nd night in Bozeman Montana.
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